NHS delivery and workforce

We urge doctors to find out more about how changes to the NHS may impact the ways in which you work, and what the BMA is doing to influence those changes.

NHS Structure Article Illustration
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An NHS under pressure

The NHS is experiencing some of the most severe pressures in its 70-year history. The pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg. Read why in our new data hub - analysing data on the backlog, hospital beds, workforce trends and more.

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An NHS under pressure

We provide an overview of the main pressure points in the NHS before and due to COVID-19 and what the BMA is doing to address them.  BMA report

NHS backlog data analysis

Analysis of monthly data releases by NHS England to highlight the growing backlogs across the NHS - including operations data, cancer waiting list GP referrals and A&E waiting times. BMA report

Pressures in general practice data analysis

We monitor data on GP workforce, working patterns and appointment numbers to help build a picture of the level of strain GP practices in England are under. BMA report

NHS hospital beds data analysis

We look at NHS bed data in England compared to other countries, bed stocks over time, the impact of COVID-19, safety breaches and intensive care capacity. BMA report

NHS diagnostics data analysis

We look at waiting lists for tests, demand for diagnoses versus capacity, and diagnostic workforce numbers in England. BMA report

Vital actions to minimise pressure on the NHS this winter

What is set to be the worst winter on record will increase strain on an already exhausted NHS. Our 'Weathering the storm' report calls on governments and health leaders to take urgent action now. BMA report

Mental health pressures data analysis

We monitor data on access to mental health services, workforce, and funding to build up a picture of the pressures mental health services are under in England. BMA report

Wales save our surgeries campaign

Our Save our surgeries campaign asks the Welsh Government to commit to a rescue package for General Practice BMA report

NHS under pressure - Wales

This page is an overview of the main pressure points in the NHS Wales.   BMA report

NHS under pressure - Scotland

This page is an overview of the main pressure points in the Scottish NHS.   BMA report

NHS under pressure - Northern Ireland

This page is an overview of the main pressure points in the NHS Northern Ireland.   BMA report


NHS medical staffing data analysis

We provide analysis on the secondary care workforce - updated monthly with new data on topics such as a shortage of doctors, growth of the workforce, retention issues and why staff are leaving the NHS. BMA report

Medical associate professions (MAPs)

This content covers the increasing presence of MAPs (medical associate professions) in the NHS, their regulation, prescribing rights and the BMA’s view on the these developments. BMA report

New clinical roles in the NHS

A broad guide to some of the newer clinical roles that have been introduced to the NHS as part of new models of service delivery or to ease workload pressures. BMA report

Enhancing resident doctors' working lives

We highlight the improvements being made in Health Education England's Enhancing Resident Doctors' Working Lives progress report. BMA lobbying

Mental health workforce report

Our report shows the declining state of the mental health workforce, the workforce's wellbeing and data on workforce numbers. BMA report

BMA commentary on the NHS People Plan 2020/21

We summarise the commitments made in the NHS People Plan with a focus on those most relevant to BMA members. We also give commentary and analysis on each section of the plan. BMA report

Consultant workforce shortages

Our reports look into the issues facing the consultant workforce and what actions need to be taken by UK governments and employers, now and in the future, to ensure consultants are retained in the NHS. BMA report

Medical academic workforce planning for the future

We look at the challenges that medical research faces and steps for government, employers and funding bodies to ensure the best possible environment for supporting a thriving medical research system in the UK. BMA report

BMA member briefing: Health Select Committee's workforce report

Our summary and analysis of the Health and Social Care Select Committee report 'Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care'.  BMA views

Medical workforce heatmaps for Scotland

BMA Scotland has developed medical workforce vacancy heatmaps for general practice and secondary care to help contextualise the increasing workforce challenge facing the NHS in Scotland. BMA guidance

Attrition in the medical workforce

Improving retention first requires understanding which retention issues affect which groups of doctors, at which points in time, and to what extent. This page summarises existing GMC reports and presents key data on medical attrition across the medical career pipeline. BMA report

Tackling medical attrition in the UK’s health services

Our report sets out why retaining doctors needs to be an urgent priority for UK governments, health services and employers and what should be done. BMA report

Guidance for the supervision of Medical Associate Professions (MAPs)

This supervision guidance for doctors sets out the BMA’s recommendations on working safely with physician associates (PAs), anaesthesia associates (AAs) and surgical care practitioners (SCPs). BMA guidance

Physician associates in general practice: making it safe for patients and GPs

This guidance aims to standardise practice and avoid variation in what physician associates (PAs) working in general practice are expected to undertake


Health funding data analysis

Our analysis looks at health and social care funding in the UK, highlighting changes over time, the impact of COVID-19, variation across the UK and comparisons to other countries. BMA report

Capital funding analysis

Our analysis of capital funding for health in the UK and in England BMA report

Models for paying providers of NHS services

To help you understand the different ways in which providers can be paid for seeing and treating patients, including block contracts, capitation, the national tariff and payment for performance. BMA guidance

Creating a healthy workplace

Moral distress in the NHS and other organisations

Read our briefing and survey summary on moral distress in doctors that has been compounded by COVID - and how not being able to provide sufficient quality of care can have a negative impact on healthcare staff. BMA report

Fatigue and sleep deprivation

Find out about the BMA Fatigue and Facilities charter, the impact of fatigue on doctors and patients, and the factors increasing the risk of fatigue. You can also read guidance aimed at doctors and other clinical staff on how to manage the risks associated with fatigue. BMA guidance

Supporting health and wellbeing at work report

A report looking into doctors' experiences with occupational support services. Focusing on the issues that doctors face and challenges confronting the wider NHS workforce. BMA report

Domestic abuse in the health profession report

Doctors may experience domestic abuse themselves - our report looks at why this is a workplace issue, support that should be provided, and barriers to doctors accessing support. BMA report

Preventing and reducing violence towards staff

NHS staff should be protected and assault should never be considered part of the job. We look at how trusts should be working to reduce and prevent violence from patients. BMA guidance

Improving the mental wellbeing of doctors and medical students

Read about our work to improve the mental health of the profession, including during and beyond coronavirus, new research and our wellbeing charter.

Safe working for hospital doctors

When services are understaffed, patient safety and your own health and wellbeing could be compromised. This toolkit outlines practical actions you can take to mitigate risk and ensure safety in a system under pressure. BMA guidance

The ageing workforce

Supporting an ageing medical workforce

A report into the unique pressures facing older doctors to identify how best the NHS can support its ageing workforce. BMA report

Working in the peri-retirement period: possible changes to working practices

We outline how employers can retain consultants in peri-retirement, what to take into account when considering retirement and returning to the NHS, what you can earn and contractual arrangements. BMA guidance


Integrated care systems (ICSs)

We delve into integrate care systems, the impact they have on doctors and what you can do locally to help shape them. BMA views

The Health and Care Act

The Government has passed the Health and Care Act 2022 which proposes health reforms in England. We explain what it means for ICSs and commissioning in the NHS. BMA report

Integrated care provider contracts (ICPs)

What ICPs are, contracts, what the BMA thinks of ICPs and their impact on GPs. BMA report

Medical engagement - doctors' contributions to change

Engagement with medical, clinical and wider staff within the NHS is poor. Read our report and recommendations on improving engagement. BMA report

NHS long term workforce plan

BMA briefing on what it means for doctors. BMA report


Personal health budgets

This guidance supports doctors working in all parts of health and social care to understand the implications of PHBs (personal health budgets) for their own practice. BMA guidance

CCG constitutions

This guidance details the important implications of CCG constitutions for GPs and practices and provides practical advice. BMA guidance

Privatisation of the NHS

This is our latest report on privatisation, the use of private healthcare companies and independent sector provision in the NHS in England. BMA report

NHS outsourcing

Given the current scale of the NHS elective care waiting list, the Government has renewed its focus on the independent sector’s role in delivering NHS-funded care. BMA report

Primary and secondary care

NHS e-referral service for secondary care doctors

Read our considerations for doctors in secondary care to take into account when implementing e-RS. BMA guidance

Primary and secondary care working together

The BMA is working with NHS England and other organisations to help improve the interface between primary and secondary care. BMA guidance

Acting upon electronic test results

Explaining doctors' clinical responsibility when you or others are acting upon test results, including receiving results from other clinicians, hospital teams and patient generated data. BMA guidance

Report on the GP recovery plan

Our report on NHS England and DHSC's delivery plan for recovering access to primary care. BMA guidance

The future

Caring, supportive, collaborative: a future vision for the NHS

The BMA project to open an honest conversation with our profession about the sort of NHS doctors want to work in. See our manifesto and work coming out of the project such as reports, surveys and events.

The role of the doctor in the future

A BMA project looking at how the doctor's role is evolving and the future of doctors, including report and video of discussions.​ BMA report

Analysis of the NHS Long Term Plan

This briefing for members provides a summary of the announcements in the long-term plan and what they may mean for doctors. BMA report

Building the future: healthcare infrastructure reports

The BMA has published two incisive reports tackling the persistent issue of crumbling and underfunded healthcare infrastructure in the UK.

Social care

Social care in Scotland

We look at the structure of social care in Scotland, who it's for, how it's funded, issues, pressures on the workforce and the BMA's view. BMA report

Social care in Wales

We look at the structure of social care in Wales, who it's for, how it's funded, issues, pressures on the workforce and the BMA's view. BMA report

Social care in Northern Ireland

We look at the structure of social care in Northern Ireland, who it's for, how it's funded, issues, pressures on the workforce and the BMA's view. BMA report

Social care in England

We outline our calls to action for social care in England, including the need for increased funding, to make social care free for all and investment in the workforce. BMA report


Principles for artificial intelligence AI and its application in healthcare

The potential benefits and drawbacks of current and emerging AI technologies in healthcare and BMA principles for AI policy and implementation. BMA report

NHS technology, infrastructure and data report

Our vision and recommendations for improving IT infrastructure in the NHS. BMA report