BMA report

Analysis of the NHS Long Term Plan

This briefing for members provides a summary of the announcements in the long-term plan and what they may mean for doctors.

Location: England
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Topics: NHS delivery and workforce
NHS Structure Article Illustration

On 7 January 2019 NHS England published their long-term plan for the NHS. 

The plan sets the strategic direction for the NHS in England over the next 10-years. It will be followed by local areas developing their own plans to deliver the ambitions within it.

We have been clear that while it sets out welcome ambitions, these will be difficult to deliver in the face of inadequate funding, staffing gaps, pressures on social care, and the risks that Brexit poses to the NHS.


What you'll get from this guide

  • What the plan outlines for key areas.
  • Our analysis on what the long-term plan means for you.
  • How the long-term plan fits against BMA recommendations for NHS delivery.


NHS funding briefing

The long term plan set out how NHS funding will grow on average by 3.4% in real terms each year from 2019/20 to 2023/24, increasing the NHS England budget by £20.5 billion by 2023/24.

In this briefing we discuss:

  • details of the funding
  • how the funding compares to increase in patient demand and EU average spend
  • how the money will be raised and how it should be spent.
  • Workforce
  • NHS funding
  • Service reform
  • Prevention and health inequalities
  • Care quality and outcomes
  • Digital and technology
  • Next steps and proposed legislative change