
Find events and learning opportunities from the BMA to develop you professionally as a doctor.

Illustration of doctors giving and attending events
Specialty choice and applications for foundation doctors - live webinar With the specialty application deadline on the horizon, it’s crucial to reflect: Have you chosen the right specialty? Are you still exploring your options? Whether you’re confirming your choice or still deciding, join us for an essential webinar designed to empower your decision-making.
Live webinar Portfolio pathway for SAS grade doctors A practical half-day expert-led online seminar for those considering applying for specialist registration via the portfolio pathway.
Conference BMA sessional GP conference 2024: diversity, opportunity, safety  A one-day conference specifically for sessional GPs. Free for BMA members. Fees apply for non-members.
BMA member registration
Excellence in medico-legal report writing - October 2024 This one-day course explores what lawyers and the courts expect and require from a medico-legal expert’s report.
Course Discussions between experts A half-day course covering the essentials of managing meetings between experts.
Conference Private practice conference 2024 This conference will address topics such as the logistics and challenges of working in private practice, as well as offering an opportunity to network with colleagues.