Working hours

Find out how the European Working Time Directive affects consultants, juniors and SAS doctors and read our top tips for working out of hours.

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Work schedule

BMA rota checker

We've developed a set of easy-to-use tools for junior doctors to check their rotas. BMA product

Managing rotas and duty rosters for junior doctors in England

Contractual and best practice guidance for junior doctors in England, in partnership with NHS Employers. BMA guidance

Exception reporting for junior doctors

Find out when to flag up work that varies from your agreed work schedule, who should receive your reports, how to submit an exception report, and at what stage. BMA guidance

Rota monitoring for junior doctors in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Rota monitoring sets limits on working patterns and hours. This guide helps junior doctors in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales understand how to follow best practice when completing monitoring forms.   BMA guidance

Work scheduling guidance

We answer your frequently asked questions about work scheduling - what it includes, how one is agreed, when to submit one, and how to change it and incorporate your rota. BMA guidance

Locum work for junior doctors

Read about the terms and conditions around undertaking hours of paid work as a locum. BMA guidance

Working out of hours (OOH)

Tips for working out of hours

Out of hours work can be a rewarding part of a portfolio. Get top tips on how to avoid common pitfalls. BMA guidance

European Working Time Directive (EWTD)

Doctors and the European Working Time Directive

Find out how the EWTD was implemented, and how it affects consultants, SAS doctors and junior doctors. BMA guidance

Juniors rota gaps and the European Working Time Directive

Emergency cover, short term and long term cover, implications on training and pay, and what to do if you are working extra hours. BMA guidance

Juniors who opt out of the European Working Time Directive

We show you the differences in rest requirements between the new deal contract and the European Working Time Directive legislation. BMA guidance