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Northern Ireland general practitioners committee
The Northern Ireland general practitioners committee (NIGPC) represents all general practitioners working in Northern Ireland. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.
BMA committee
Scottish general practitioners committee
The Scottish GPC (general practitioners committee) represents all general practitioners working in Scotland. Find out more about our priorities, meetings and members.
BMA committee
Welsh general practitioners committee
GPC (general practitioners committee) Wales represents all general practitioners working in Wales. Find out more about our priorities, meetings and members.
BMA committee
General practitioners committee UK overview
The GPC (general practitioners committee) is the only body which represents all GPs in the UK. It deals with all matters affecting NHS GPs, regardless of BMA membership.
BMA committee
England general practitioners committee
GPC England is the representative body for GPs in England. Find out more about our meetings, members and priorities.
BMA committee
Prescribing in general practice
This guidance covers the most asked questions around prescribing in primary care and informs GPs of the BMA general practice committee’s policies in prescribing.
BMA guidance