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No place to recover Homeless people are attending hospital in ever greater numbers but are discharged back to the streets where they can enter a spiral of decline, readmission and premature death. Peter Blackburn meets those trying to restore hope. The Doctor Monday 16 December 2019
A fight for survival Doctors around the world face a lack of resources and surging demand while some are forced to decide who receives intensive care beds, as coronavirus threatens their own safety and ability to care. News Tuesday 24 March 2020
Doctor returns from India amid lock-down restrictions A doctor who returned to the UK after spending weeks stranded in India is overjoyed to be back at work in the NHS. News Thursday 16 April 2020
The Doctor (April 2020, issue 20) Read the latest issue of The Doctor magazine online. The Doctor Thursday 9 April 2020
BMA plans to roll out more care packages for doctors The BMA is looking to expand a care-package service for doctors, as the public displays its gratitude for frontline NHS staff’s tireless efforts against COVID-19. News Thursday 26 March 2020
Government urged to help stranded doctors return to the UK Trust consultant Sushil Misra has been stranded in India since 28 March, desperate to return to the UK and unable to help the NHS in its fight against COVID-19. News Wednesday 8 April 2020
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