A guide for GPs - maternity and other types of parental leave

During leave

Location: UK
Audience: GPs
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Topics: Maternity, paternity and adoption

You can work up to 10 KIT (keeping in touch) days during your maternity or adoption leave. KIT days are paid working days and are voluntary, and both employer and employee must agree to them. Read about KIT days in our guidance on returning to work and your rights as a working parent.

Many of the organisations where you hold a membership or subscription will offer you a reduced rate during your parental leave. Remember to get in touch with the BMA to discuss a reduced membership rate. You may also be eligible for reduced rates from the GMC, the RCGP and your Medical Defence Organisation.


Case 4 – A partnership offer during maternity or adoption leave


During her maternity leave, Dr B is offered a partnership in a different practice. She would like to take the position but is concerned that she may have to pay back her maternity pay. What should Dr B do?


Dr B could be liable to pay back the contractual maternity pay she has received (everything above her statutory entitlements). However, as the requirement is to work as an employee for 3 months after returning from leave, our legal advice suggests that payback should be avoidable by working in the new practice as a salaried GP for 3 months prior to beginning the partnership.

If a doctor were to begin a partnership at the same practice they worked in prior to leave, it is unlikely that the practice would seek to reclaim any maternity pay. However, it would be worth clarifying this before accepting the partnership offer.