BMA courses

As a BMA member you get access to a range of clinical and non-clinical courses to help with your professional development and studies:

  • live and recorded webinars
  • BMA non-clinical modules
Learning and Development Article Illustration
Live webinar Managing conflict - live webinar The healthcare environment is a busy place where many people from different professional backgrounds work together, often under a great deal of pressure - so it’s not surprising that conflict arises from time to time.
Live webinar Negotiating and influencing with impact - live webinar In your roles you need to negotiate and influence daily, whether that be with patients, their families, your peers, senior professionals, or other healthcare professionals. You will need to negotiate situations that will have a significant outcome on your practice, performance, and culture.
Live webinar Leadership essentials - live webinar Most, if not all doctors have leadership responsibilities. If people look to you for direction in any element of your work, you are leading, even if you don’t have a formal leadership position. 
Live webinar Providing and receiving feedback - live webinar In this webinar we will examine what we do with the feedback we receive, the purpose, context and method of receiving feedback, and your emotional response to it.    
Webinar Compassionate and inclusive leadership - recorded webinar In this recorded webinar explore how compassionate and inclusive leadership involves developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of leaders.
Webinar Portfolio careers and clinical entrepreneurship - recorded webinar This recorded webinar explores portfolio careers and looks at ways to get involved in entrepreneurship within the NHS.