Managing conflict - live webinar

Online event

The healthcare environment is a busy place where many people from different professional backgrounds work together, often under a great deal of pressure - so it’s not surprising that conflict arises from time to time.

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Free for BMA members.

In this practical webinar we will actively explore your common conflict situations, and then work through in real time possible approaches to defuse them. We will look at a range of skills that will help you steer a course that delivers positive outcomes for all – helping build your confidence in managing those tricky conflict situations.


What to expect from the webinar

  • The webinar is up to one hour.
  • It is taught by a subject matter expert.
  • No preparation is needed, just bring a pen and paper if you want to make notes.
  • A certificate of attendance will be given for watching the full live webinar.
  • The webinar will be recorded and a link sent out when it has ended.


What you will learn

By the end of the webinar you will be able to:

  • identify the root causes of conflict situations you commonly come across;
  • evaluate the pros and cons of different approaches to conflict situations; and
  • apply key skills that will help you address conflict at both individual and team levels.


Who is this webinar for?

  • Free for BMA members
  • All doctors and medical students.


Organiser details

BMA learning and development