Compassionate and inclusive leadership - recorded webinar

In this recorded webinar explore how compassionate and inclusive leadership involves developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of leaders.

Audience: All doctors
Format: Webinar
Online learning illustration
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Compassionate and inclusive leaders learn to:

  • attend to the people they lead
  • understand the challenges they face
  • demonstrate empathy
  • take action to serve or help others to flourish and thrive in their roles.


What to expect from the webinar

  • The webinar is up to one hour.
  • It is taught by a subject matter expert.
  • No preparation is needed, just bring a pen and paper if you want to make notes.


What you will learn

By the end of the webinar we will:

  • explore what compassionate and inclusive leadership means to you and your team
  • understand the four elements of a compassionate and inclusive leader and the importance of these life-long skills
  • appreciate the impact of unconscious bias and the importance of role modelling to cultivate the team, department and organisation that you work in
  • reflect on our ability to be self-compassionate and some areas to focus on beyond today’s session.


Who is this webinar for?

  • Free for BMA members.

Reading list


Organiser details

BMA learning and development