Safe working in general practice in England guidance

Measurement of workload

Location: England
Audience: GPs
Updated: Tuesday 3 December 2024

NHSE (NHS England) measures GP workload based on appointment data. This gives an incomplete picture of GP activity and can fail to reflect a significant number of non-appointment patient contacts. 

GPC England encourages all practices to account for patient contacts within their appointment books as a way of recording this workload. When accounting for workload, work performed in relation to repeat prescriptions and documents can be counted separately to direct patient contact. This data is not currently collected by NHSE. 

Due to the challenges in recording and counting all patient contacts via appointment books, we would recommend that practices undertake a period of manual recording over a 2-3 day period.  
By doing so, it is possible for practices to better measure and account for all patient contact. This includes even brief and informal types of contact like discussions with community teams regarding specific patients, calling patients about results, and home visits. 
Accurate data allows practices to make informed decisions as to how best care for their patients. It also allows GPCE to demonstrate the impact and changes in workload with stakeholders such as NHSE. 

Please see West Lothian's useful primary care guide to mapping out workload.