Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration

Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration leaflet for families

Location: England Wales
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Topics: Ethics

One of the things we heard repeatedly when consulting with clinicians and other professionals involved in decision-making, was the need for family members to have clear information about their role in the decision-making process.

We have developed a leaflet for you to share with family members and others close to the patient. This leaflet can help to:

  • initiate discussions about best interests in relation to CANH
  • encourage family members to think about the type of information they want you to know
  • support ongoing conversations about treatment options and best interests.

It is also essential that family members know where to go for further information and support, and so our leaflet includes a list of useful resources to which you might want to signpost.