Become an elected representative

Get involved in the BMA by standing as an elected representative. You’ll get the opportunity to meet colleagues from across the UK and stand up for something that might affect your workplace or the profession generally.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Chain link article illustration

How can I get involved?

You can get involved in a number of ways as a BMA representative:

  • represent doctors at your place of work. LNCs (local negotiating committees) exist at each trust and health board to negotiate with your employer on behalf of all doctors. Join an LNC

  • represent doctors at a regional or national level. Regional and national councils operate across the UK, formulating policy and ensuring it is implemented.

  • take part in UK-wide policy and negotiations. Our branch of practice committees represent the views of doctors across the UK to governments, national assemblies and medico-political bodies including royal colleges and educational bodies. Contact your committee

Any doctor who works or lives in the United Kingdom can stand for election. There aren't any prerequisite skills or qualities that you'll need to get involved, as the BMA provides training and support for representatives.


How much time do I have to commit?

If you are involved in a committee, your commitment will vary depending on the role you stand for. Most positions will involve no more than four meetings per year.

If you have other commitments, we will help you to take part wherever possible. This may mean you attend meetings by video conference or teleconference, or it could mean provision of childcare and assistance with travel costs.

If you need to take time off work to act as a representative, we can provide support in discussing this with your employer. Time off to attend meetings is protected under law and the BMA enjoys good relationships with most employers when it comes to making these arrangements.