Find your LNC

As an independent trade union, the BMA is dedicated to protecting individual members and the collective interests of doctors and dentists in the workplace. Find your nearest LNC to get support.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Thursday 12 January 2023
Handshake article illustration

Find your LNC

To find out more about LNCs and how to get involved in your nearest committee, get in contact using the details below.


If you’re a doctor in England, we can put you in direct contact with the BMA regional officer responsible for your LNC.

Contact us at: [email protected] or use the employment advice webform with details about where you work.

Find your local rep.

LNC Chairs are the local face of the BMA helping members with HR matters related to locally agreed policies e.g. locum rates, acting down rates, clinical excellence awards, job plans, industrial action concerns, and guiding members to other BMA support e.g. BMA regional officers, FPC (for individual advice), or guidance on the website.

Northern Ireland

The BMA has an LNC in every trust in Northern Ireland. Find out who to contact if you would like to get involved:

Belfast Trust
Dr Laurence Burke
[email protected]

South Eastern Trust
Dr Stephen Moore
[email protected]

Northern Trust
Dr David Farren
[email protected]

Southern Trust
Dr Clodagh Corrigan
[email protected]

Western Trust
Dr Deepanshu Gupta
[email protected]

Dr Sinead McGuinness
[email protected]

Single lead employer
Dr Adam Flynn
[email protected]

SPPG (Strategic Planning & Performance Group) Dr Ciara McLaughlin
[email protected]


The BMA has an LNC in almost every territorial health board in Scotland and in non-territorial special health boards who employ doctors directly.

Most junior doctors will be employed by one of the lead employers in the north (NHS Grampian), east (NHS Lothian) or west (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde), while all GP trainees and some national programmes will be employed directly by NHS Education for Scotland.

To find out what’s going on in each LNC, please use the contact details below to get in touch.
















Local negotiation committee meetings (Junior doctors): (LNC/JDS) 
Joint LNCJDS & NES LNC Strategy Day: Wednesday 13th November
NES LNC meeting dates (timings to be confirmed).
•    Thursday 29th August 2024 (First Session/AGM)
•    Tuesday 3rd December 2024
•    Wednesday 26th February 2024
•    Friday 16th May 2024

North of Scotland LNC/JDS meeting dates: (timings to be confirmed).
•    Tuesday 3rd September 
•    Thursday 5th December 
•    Tuesday 25th February
•    Tuesday 13th May 

West of Scotland LNC/JDS meeting dates
•    Tuesday 10th September 6.30pm – 7.30pm
•    Thursday 5th December – timing to be confirmed
•    Monday 3rd March – timings to be confirmed
•    Tuesday 20th May – timings to be confirmed

Southeast of Scotland LNCJDS meeting dates
•    Tuesday 10th September 6.30pm – 7.30pm
•    Tuesday  3rd December – to be confirmed
•    Monday 24th February – to be confirmed
•    Tuesday 20th May – to be confirmed

The BMA has an LNC (local negotiating committee) in almost every health board in Scotland and has three Junior Doctor Subcommittees (“LNCJDSs”) within each of the three territorial Lead Employer Boards to negotiate with your employer on behalf of all doctors. BMA LNCJDS, also known as Local Junior Doctors Committees, are the bodies that represent junior doctors regionally and are subcommittees of the BMA Local Negotiating Committees (LNCs) of the lead employer Boards. Junior Doctor subcommittees (LNCJDS) are established in three of the Lead Employer board LNCs:  
•    NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (West)
•    NHS Lothian (East)
•    NHS Grampian (North)






Cardiff and Vale University Health Board



If you’re not sure which LNC you should contact, get in touch at: [email protected] or use the employment advice webform with details about where you work.


BMA LNCJDS, also known as local junior doctors committees, are the bodies that represent junior doctors locally and replace the former BMA RJDCs (regional junior doctors committees) in Scotland.

These are subcommittees of the BMA LNCs (local negotiating committees) of the lead employer boards.

Junior doctors in Scotland are employed by one of four employer boards – NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, NHS Lothian, NHS Grampian and NHS Education for Scotland (NES) for the duration of their training (foundation, core or specialty training programmes).

Understanding LNCJDS

Junior doctor subcommittees (LNCJDS) are established in three of the Lead Employer board LNCs:

  • NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
  • NHS Lothian
  • NHS Grampian

NES employed junior doctors are represented by the NES LNC.

Any junior doctor can attend LNCJDS meetings. BMA member services staff also attend to provide advice on contractual matters and to give background on issues which may have been active for some time as well as details of local engagement activities. Each year, each LNCJDS nominates representatives to SJDC (Scottish junior doctors committee). LNCJDS representatives must continue to attend their local meetings if appointed to SJDC.

LNCJDS can refer to SJDC any matters of concern, which either cannot be resolved locally (perhaps in conjunction with the other local BMA committees) or matters that may have implications for other regions and nationally.

All BMA members of the LNCJDS will be accredited as a representative of medical staff in accordance with the rules of the BMA are therefore afforded the rights of accredited representatives, including reasonable paid time off to carry out their role and training.

LNCJDS meetings

Contact your LNCJDS to find out when the next meeting will be held: