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The health and wealth of nations WHO resolution makes sea change towards achieving prosperity through better treatment for all. Themed ‘the political economies of health’, the 2025 public health medicine conference is an opportunity for doctors to decide how to shape this moment  
Retired members' news: pensions, ARM and activism BMA retired members committee chair Peter Curry updates members on conference plans, ARM news and pensions issues following his recent re-election
Early Spring news from the retired members committee Peter Curry, BMA retired members committee chair, updates members on debate at the recent retired members conference and other recent news
Reforms promise end of ‘pension tax trap’ for senior doctors After years of campaigning, pension tax changes in the 2023 budget mean many doctors are no longer forced to consider early retirement
The Doctor – issue 53, March 2023 Read the latest issue of The Doctor magazine online
Government raises annual allowance for pensions Senior doctors no longer subject to punitive tax rules 
Is industrial action now our only option? Time to make a stand to avoid more consultants being driven out of the NHS