This is an issuu version of the magazine. Accessible versions of the articles included are listed below.

At a glance: a new podcast series with a focus on communication, including interviews with medical luminaries such as BMA president Martin McKee and member of Independent SAGE Trisha Greenhalgh
‘We shall fight on’: doctors unite in support of pay restoration during a rally in Manchester at the Conservative Party conference; their strongest warning yet that they intend to continue striking up until the general election
‘I’m a natural campaigner’: new GP leader Katie Bramall-Stainer pledges to rebuild general practice and lead her 'bruised' profession towards an improved way of working
Supporting each other: thousands of doctors put under financial strain by taking part in industrial action have already benefited from the BMA strike fund

Knife violence: stop it at source – doctors explain how a public health approach may help reduce incidences of crime
Taking the strain: the pressure on doctors is intense but access to occupational health services is 'patchy'
A precious time: a chronic lack of investment in paediatric palliative care is causing unnecessary anguish but one children's hospice is making sure short lives are lived to the full
On the ground: The BMA helps a member secure a vital career break
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