There’s power in the union if we all play our part.
As part of our commitment to fight to restore junior doctors’ pay in Wales we’ve now met with the minister for health and social services, Eluned Morgan, to set out our reasons for rejecting the DDRB pay review process and why we are calling for full pay restoration for colleagues across the country.
Whilst the minister has agreed to investigate the matter, we know there is a lot of work to do to influence change, especially set against the current economic climate. We must therefore use this time to organise and unite doctors across the country.
We know the strength of feeling amongst our colleagues but for policy makers and employers to understand the true extent of despair they need to grasp the numbers. This is where joining the BMA and becoming a pay activist comes in, the more members the more voices, the more power.
Spread the word

As well as kick starting a recruitment drive for pay activists across the country, we’ve created new pay restoration materials to improve the campaign’s visibility in healthcare settings and amongst our peers.
The posters and social media cards are available in Welsh and English and can be accessed here, more will be uploaded in the coming days. Doctors can also order the ‘pay restoration now’ badges, pens, stickers and lanyards. A new dedicated Twitter feed has also been set up to provide regular updates on the campaign as well as a Facebook page.
Whilst we’re doing all we can to get a fairer deal we need your help now to make meaningful change. Join us in our mission to restore the value of junior doctors and fight for a fairer, safer NHS for our colleagues and our patients.
Join us in our fight for fair pay by signing up to become a pay activist today!
Georgina Budd and Amna Babiker are co-chairs of the BMA Welsh junior doctors committee