​Civil and public services committee overview

The CPSC (civil and public services committee) considers and acts on matters affecting medical staff employed by government departments.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
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The CPSC (civil and public services committee) considers and acts on matters affecting medical staff employed by government departments.

Civil and public service doctors provide essential medical advice to government departments, government agencies and their staff. Post-holders need to be registered and licensed with the GMC and many undertake this work as part of a portfolio career.


Our priorities

The BMA undertook a survey in 2019 to ensure that members with civil and public service contracts were being correctly identified on our database. This has allowed us to work more closely with members to improve targeted services and communications.
CPSC key priorities:

  • lobbying to highlight the committee and the BMA’s role to other public service unions and in the public service
  • increasing engagement within the committee and further increasing engagement with the wider CPSC membership through:
  1. FOI requests to department bodies regarding the number of doctors they employ
  2. investigating membership potential from former public health England employees
  3. webinars of interest to CPSC members
  4. member blogs
  5. newsletters.

Our people

Chair: Dr David Mummery
Deputy chair: Dr Donna Tooth


The committee is composed of:

Three members elected by doctors employed by government departments, their agencies or contractors in the UK including those working for the Medical Research Council and in the offices of Regional Directors of Public Health.

  • David Mummery
  • Dr Anne Clare Adela Leris

Two members elected by doctors employed by government departments, their agencies or contractors in England.

  • Dr Donna Tooth
  • Dr Laura Tattersall

One member elected by doctors employed by government departments, their agencies or contractors in Scotland.

  • Vacancy

One member elected by doctors employed by government departments, their agencies or contractors in Wales.

  • Sophie Carter-Ingram

One member elected by doctors employed by government departments, their agencies or contractors in Northern Ireland.

  • Dr William Robert Mark Pratt

One member of the BMA general practitioners committee.

  • Vacancy

One member of the BMA armed forces committee.

  • Grant Dex
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Our meetings

The CPSC meets three times a year to discuss and act on matters affecting our membership. Only members of the committee are able to attend meetings.

Meeting dates:

  • Tuesday 17 October 2023, hybrid/in-person at BMA House
  • Tuesday, 13 February 2024, virtual via Teams
  • Tuesday 21 May, 2024, virtual via Teams

All our meetings take place from 10.30am to 1pm. These can be virtual, or hybrid at:

BMA House
Tavistock Square


How to join

There are many advantages to becoming involved in our committees. You can actively influence BMA policy-making and negotiations, represent your colleagues' voices and develop your leadership skills. 

Each committee has a few routes to becoming an elected member. In the case of CPSC, this is: 

Regional elections

Regional elections

  • Seats/term - every two years, elections for eight seats on CPSC take place for a two-session term.
  • Timeline - elections take place in July.
  • Eligibility - all doctors who are BMA members and meet the specified criteria for each seat are eligible to stand and vote in these elections. The criteria will be specified in the section below when elections are open.


The election section is kept up to date with details about any running elections, so make sure you keep checking it throughout the year.  

Elections to the CPSC are currently closed.



Get in touch

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the work of the CPSC, email [email protected].

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