As a SAS doctor, you should be employed under the national contracts for one of the roles within this grade.
This page details the terms and conditions of service for each contract in each nation, which set out the provisions and contractual rights that apply to you. There are also model contracts, on which your contract of employment should be based.
If you are concerned that the contract you are being offered differs from those set out here, get in touch with our contract checking service.
SAS contract for England
Terms and conditions of service
To avoid SAS doctors from seeing their pay drop if they move from the 2008 onto the 2021 terms and conditions, we encourage employers of Specialty doctors to:
a) agree a local remedy or
b) apply an allowance (in the form of a pay premia).
The allowance would ensure these doctors are paid the equivalent of the next pay point on the Specialist scale so that their pay does not otherwise drop. This would apply until the doctor’s salary has exceeded this amount and the premia is therefore no longer required.
Where employers have already agreed locally to appoint these doctors onto the next pay point this premia would not be needed, and that agreement should continue to apply.
Model contracts
2021 contracts
2008 contracts

Ensure you are recording your work activities correctly on our job planning tool Dr Diary.
Simply confirm your new contract in the employer selection.
SAS contract for Northern Ireland
Terms and conditions of service
2021 contracts
- Specialty doctors in Northern Ireland on the 2021 contract.
- Specialists in Northern Ireland on the 2021 contract.
2008 contracts
- Specialty doctors in Northern Ireland on the 2008 contract.
- Associate specialists in Northern Ireland on the 2008 contract.
Model contracts
2021 contracts
- Specialty doctors in Northern Ireland on the 2021 contract.
- Specialists in Northern Ireland on the 2021 contract.
2008 contracts
SAS contract for Scotland
Terms and conditions of service
SAS contract for Wales
Terms and conditions of service
2021 contracts
2008 contracts
- Specialty doctors in Wales on the 2008 contract.
- Associate specialists in Wales on the 2008 contract.
Model contracts
2021 contracts
2008 contracts
We're here to stand up for SAS doctors' rights, support you in the workplace and champion the medical profession.