BMA guidance

BMA handbook for junior doctors in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales

Your guide to the main contractual issues which may crop up in your work as a junior doctor in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Location: Scotland Northern Ireland Wales
Audience: Junior doctors
Updated: Thursday 25 July 2024
Topics: Contracts
Contract and pen article illustration

What you'll get from the handbook

  • Information to help you understand the terms and conditions of the junior doctor contract in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
  • The legal framework you are required to work within as a junior doctor.
  • Example policies, contract and best practice that can be adapted to your situation.


How to use the handbook

This guide is not meant to be a comprehensive substitute for the detailed guidance and support available from our advisers. 

Our aim is to provide you with an overview of key areas you need to consider as a junior doctor. Advice tailored to your situation is available from our advisers.


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Contract guidance for junior doctors in Wales

BMA members may sign in to view our contract guidance for junior doctors (soon to be resident doctors) in Wales.

  • Training appointments and educational approval
  • Learning and development
  • Recruitment to specialty training – advice for applicants
  • Contracts of employment
  • Salaries
  • Planning working patterns
  • Hours of work and EWTD
  • Pay banding and monitoring
  • Indemnity
  • Prospective cover
  • LTFT (less than full-time) training (also known as flexible training)
  • Locum work in the NHS
  • Study and professional leave
  • Annual leave
  • Maternity, paternity and shared parental leave
  • Sick leave
  • NHS pension scheme
  • Travelling, removal, and other expenses
  • Accommodation and catering
  • OOP (Out of Programme) Experiences
  • Medical academic doctors
  • Overseas doctors and international medical graduates
  • Revalidation
  • Raising concerns and whistleblowing
  • The regulatory framework