Right now, thousands of SAS doctors across England are voting on the offer put to them by the Government at the end of last year. And whether they vote to accept or reject it, the result will have a huge impact on the working lives of all SAS doctors. That’s why we’re urging any SAS doctors who aren’t already BMA members to join NOW and have a say in what happens next. The deadline to join and be eligible to vote is Friday 23 February. Once you've joined, you’ll be emailed a unique link to vote and have until 5pm on 28 February to make your decision.

FREE membership during your first year in the UK
If you’re an international doctor in your first year living in the UK, we’re offering a year's free membership.
If you’d like to read up on the offer, you can find a summary here and read through our comprehensive FAQs. We recommend reading through the information in detail to see how it would affect you, however, there are three key strands to consider:
- Pay scale realignment
- A catalyst pot to fund the creation of specialist roles
- A project reviewing the LED workforce and their contracts
The offer also includes other proposals on how to support SAS doctors’ career progression.
The more votes cast, the better we can represent you
We want as many SAS doctors as possible to vote. Low turnouts can skew the true picture of how a group of people are feeling, but high turnouts mean decisive action can be taken – and more members are likely to be satisfied with what happens next. It may be stating the obvious to say that the job of the BMA is to represent members’ interests – but we can only do that if we’re clear on what our members want.
Shape the future of your profession
There are many benefits to being a BMA member, and the chance to vote in this important referendum is just one of them, albeit a time sensitive one! Join now before it’s too late. Beyond the referendum, you will then then be able to help shape the direction of the BMA’s work, and SAS doctors’ lives, alongside your fellow members.
It’s SAS doctors’ turn to stand up and be counted
Over the last year, SAS doctors have watched their consultant and junior doctor colleagues fight for their professions and refuse to accept less than their worth – this is an opportunity for SAS doctors to decide what’s right for them too. Being a smaller group, whose expertise and experience are often not fully understood, SAS doctors haven’t been given the recognition they deserve. It’s time that changed. If you are a SAS doctor who isn’t a member, don’t stay silent – join us today and make sure your voice is heard, both in this offer referendum and about the future direction of your union.
We're here to stand up for SAS doctors' rights, support you in the workplace and champion the medical profession.