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What to expect from the video
Reflection can take place both individually as well as team reflection.
The hospitals and GP Practices that you join may have access to Schwartz Rounds or Balint groups and reflective practice.
Steps involved in writing reflection in practice
1) Description of the activity
Include the date of the activity and what made you have selected this example to reflect on.
2) Perception
Describe the way that you perceived the event taking place. Think about why things happened in the way that they did. One of the most challenging aspects of reflective writing is that you need to be able to articulate your emotions. What is important to consider is that how you may have responded to this event may not necessarily be the same as other people. What can be useful is to record whether there are any patterns or triggers that elicit certain emotion and response.
3) What learning objective does this meet?
Describe how the activity has contributed to your skills, knowledge, or attitude. It will be beneficial to consider how the GMC's Good Medical Practice Framework domains links into your reflection. Those are your Knowledge, Skills & Performance, Safety & Quality, Communication, Partnership & Teamwork & Maintaining Trust.
4) What have you learned from this event?
Reflective practice should help you to be analytical with your learning and focussed on the steps you need to take to develop your clinical and non-clinical practice.
Start to articulate here whether you have any knowledge gaps that you need to work on, how this will improve your quality and patient safety in the workplace. Based on this experience what will you do differently next time when you are in this situation?
5) Future developmental needs
If you have identified other learning needs from this event, what will you do to rectify this for the future and how will you do this?