Creating culture to facilitate change - recorded webinar

Defining culture as a set of shared assumptions and beliefs that guide our behaviours, this recorded webinar will offer practical strategies for creating and adapting your culture at all levels.

Audience: All doctors
Format: Webinar
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Our organisational cultures can be defined as 'the way things are done around here', from the NHS in general down to your specific team.

This recorded session encourages you to question whether your culture is just happening or if you are actively working on it. Is it working to support the team to get somewhere meaningful or holding them back?


What to expect from the webinar

  • The webinar is up to one hour.
  • It is taught by a subject matter expert.
  • No preparation is needed, just bring a pen and paper if you want to make notes.
  • A certificate of attendance will be given for watching the full duration of the live webinar. 
  • The webinar will be recorded and a link sent out when it has ended. 


What you will learn

This webinar will offer practical advice to:

  • explore what organisational culture means and understand its impact when facilitating change
    create and communicate vision
  • identify and set values that build your desired culture
  • reinforce good culture.


Who is this webinar for?

  • Free for BMA members.
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