BMA DLN network

The BMA DLN network for elected members is a network for elected members with disabilities, long term conditions, neurodiversity.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Equality article illustration

Our purpose

The BMA DLN (disabilities, long-term conditions, and neurodiversity) network is a newly established group to champion and advance diversity across our association. It was formed following calls and valuable input from elected members. Its aim is to raise the profile of doctors and medical students who:

  • are disabled
  • are neurodivergent
  • have long-term conditions.

We recognise that the collaboration of different voices at all levels and from all backgrounds is key to unlocking our collective potential and strengthening our inclusive culture.


What we do

We aim to:

  • support BMA elected members who are disabled, neurodivergent and/or have a long-term condition to develop the skills and confidence needed to become effective medico-political leaders, committee representatives and BMA ambassadors 
  • raise awareness of and explore reasonable adjustments and opportunities the BMA can put in place for elected members
  • share best practice and support for elected members who are disabled, neurodivergent and/or have a long-term condition, both at the BMA and in their working lives
  • act as a hub for network members to share their experiences and successes and to engage with colleagues and partners in a common endeavour.


Who can join the BMA DLN network?

The BMA DLN network is open to all BMA elected members from committees, conferences and regional elected structures, who are disabled, neurodivergent and/or have a long-term condition.


Contact us

To find out more about the network, or to express an interest in joining, please contact us