BMA election manifesto 2024 - patients need doctors

We're asking the next Government to make health of all their top priority.

BMA manifesto. The incoming government must...

This election is a chance to turn around a health service in crisis. Doctors are exhausted after years of being stretched beyond breaking point. They have been pushed to take industrial action following years of real terms pay cuts leaving them feeling undervalued, working in a health service in the midst of a staffing crisis.

Every day doctors have to deal with the legacy of funding failing to keep pace with demand, cuts to services across the board, and the distress of working in a broken system – knowing they cannot provide the level of care that patients deserve.

The next Government cannot allow our health services to continue this way: all parties must make the health of all their top priority, so we can give the public the care they deserve.


Our key asks

The incoming Government must:

  • Value the vital role doctors play across all health services and restore their pay.
  • Protect doctors from any further erosion of their professional role and employment rights.
  • Train and provide jobs for the next generation of doctors needed to meet demand.
  • Fund the services needed for the future of the health service.
  • Safeguard the public’s health and wellbeing, prioritising preventative care.

Patients need doctors.


How you can help

With the approaching general election, now is the time to ask the incoming Government to make health their top priority. There are a few ways you can help us do this. 

1. Read our election manifesto

Familiarise yourself with the BMA 2024 election manifesto and share our key asks with your local candidates. If you’re attending local hustings with the PPCs (prospective parliamentary candidates) in your area, use our suggested questions to ask for commitments on the key policies we’ve asked the next government to commit to in our manifesto.

2. Write to your local candidates

Our letter writing tool is a quick and easy way to put your views across and email them directly to your local candidates with just a few clicks. Try it now:

Write your letter