Women's health

A series of reports on preventing and improving the physical and mental health of women in the UK.

Location: UK
Audience: Public health doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Public Health Article Illustration

Read our reports for a more detailed look at our work in each of these areas.


Cancer in women

We examine the increase in cancer incidence in women, preventable risk factors amongst deprived women, and highlight the role of health professionals in helping women to recognise signs and symptoms of cancer.

Women's mental health

We explain why policies, services and practices need to be gender informed, co-designed by women, and underpinned by clear leadership and accountability.

Tackling violence against women

We outline the scale of the problem of gender-based violence and the role of healthcare professionals in identifying abuse and referring cases.

Health inequalities and women

We call for greater understanding of the effect of social and economic factors on women's lives by the health workforce.

Global women's health

We outline key issues in international women's health and improvements that could be made through improved quality and access to healthcare.

Sanitary product provision for inpatients

The BMA has called for an end to period poverty across the UK. We successfully campaigned to secure sanitary product provision in hospitals across the UK. Find out more about our work.

Reproductive health and wellbeing

We highlight the importance of reproductive health to wellbeing, recognise the variation and differentiation in women's reproductive healthcare needs over the life-course, and call for an integrated health system response.