Effective influencing at the BMA

This e-learning module has been designed to support BMA elected members in their roles.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Voting card article illustration

About the module

Being able to debate robustly, to influence, and to communicate your ideas and message to others in a meeting situation isn't always easy.

This module has been created in bite-sized parts to provide anyone who may take part in BMA meetings with a fresh perspective on how they can contribute and have an impact in a medico-political setting.


What you will learn

  • Appreciate your own influencing style and the impact that this has on others during BMA committee and other meetings.
  • Be more productive and constructive in meetings by translating the tools learnt into your everyday practise.
  • Recognise how effective the BMA's behaviour principles are in action through real-life scenarios.


How to register

You can access this module via your BMJ learning account. If you don't have an account you can register for one.

Take the module