Life is full of surprises both welcome and unwelcome, and although you can't predict the future, you can protect yourself from the unexpected by putting robust insurance measures in place.
With over 20 years' experience helping healthcare professionals, our partners Lloyd & Whyte understand your needs and time restraints. They offer both personal and commercial insurance packages to support you throughout your personal and working life as a doctor or medical student.
What can Lloyd & Whyte do for me?
Lloyd & Whyte's home insurance is designed to offer BMA members three things: quality cover, great claims service and, in most cases, lower premiums.
By using their services to protect your home you can expect:
- high levels of cover for added reassurance
- full accidental damage and contents covered on a worldwide basis.
Read more about how to stop wasting your time on home insurance.
By using Lloyd & Whyte's online tool, you can choose to increase or decrease elements of your policy quickly and easily.
The travel insurance policy is provided by AXA Insurance plc.
Cover includes:
- annual or single trip policy
- emergency medical expenses: choose from £5m up to £15m per person
- personal belongings: choose from £750 up to £3,000 per person
- cancellation or curtailment: choose from £1,500 up to £7,500 per person
- missed or delayed departure
- optional cover available for sports, activities and cruises.
Read about the cost of falling ill abroad.
- cancellation cover for exams re-sits
- cover for portable medical equipment
- cover for adventurous activities
- cover available for up to 365 days.
Finding the time to ensure that your practice has the right insurance policy with the limited time you have can be a challenge.
Lloyd & Whyte understand this, which is why they take the time to get to know your practice. They also offer complimentary insurance reviews at your practice, so you can organise your policies, ask any questions and receive helpful advice all in one go.
Benefit from:
- policies that are made specifically to suit and protect your GP practice
- an experienced in-house dedicated claims support team
- chartered insurance broker
- 20 years’ experience of dealing with healthcare practices.
While it's worrying to think about the impact absent staff could have on your practice, it's reassuring to know that Lloyd & Whyte's locum insurance for doctors can provide financial support if you or any other insured team member is unable to work.
- more flexible than a traditional locum insurance policy
- there’s no need to prove your expenses, know exactly what you will receive
- the policy works alongside NHS reimbursement to top-up any shortfall
- it is not medically underwritten
- you can use your claim payments as you see fit.
PCNs (primary care networks) and federations can unknowingly have gaps in their protection.
To help members in these structures, Lloyd & Whyte have worked closely with us to understand the key insurance considerations that will affect you.
- professional indemnity
- director and officers insurance
- employment practices liability (eg employment disputes)
- employers liability and public liability insurance – to cover any gaps for those working on behalf of the PCN, across practices.
A dedicated insurance expert will review your current policies, what they cover and in order to identify whether you are over-insured, or have protection gaps.
Doing this in one go, in one place, can help save time and ensure you have the right protection. It's also your opportunity to ask any questions.
About the service
- Specialist services for doctors including elective travel insurance for medical students and junior doctors.
- Complimentary insurance reviews for GP practices.
- Bespoke GP practice insurance packages.
Contact Lloyd & Whyte
To find out more about what Lloyd & Whyte can do for you:
- visit the Lloyd & Whyte website
- get in touch via email at [email protected]
- call 01823 250580.
Insurance services arranged by Lloyd & Whyte Ltd, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The British Medical Association is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Lloyd & Whyte Ltd.