Enjoy hundreds of discounts to help with your cost of living. Discounts range from your everyday essentials, to the occasional treats to make life a little sweeter.
Whether you work for the NHS, the private health sector, or are studying medicine, you can take advantage of popular discounts straight away with no extra membership costs – no sign-up needed, and there are options to redeem online, in-store, and by phone.
Live savings
Savings calculator
Discover how much you could save. Simply fill in how much you spend monthly or annually on these everyday categories, then the savings calculator will generate your annual personal savings total.

Popular discounts
- Cinema tickets
- Apple
- Gym membership
- High street gift cards
- Hotels.com
Price promise

Many offers guarantee a price promise meaning that the retailers are confident that you won’t find a better deal, so you can save time knowing that you needn't look elsewhere.
If you did manage to find a better offer elsewhere, you'd be paid back the shortfall plus compensation on top for the inconvenience caused.
Price promises are subject to individual T&C's and can be found on specific offer pages.
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