Jersey – Public Employee’s Pension Fund

Since 1 January 2019 all new permanent Government employees including doctors have been enrolled in the Career Average Scheme. Membership is compulsory for staff on permanent contracts.

Location: UK
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Piggybank illustration

The accrual rate of the scheme is 1/66th of each years basic pay building towards an annual pension which aims to revalue each year in line with Jersey Retail Prices Index plus 1%.

The scheme is funded which means that benefits cannot be guaranteed and should the fund be in deficit benefits may need to be reduced.

Non Uniform Employees currently contribute 7.75% of basic pay and Employers contribute 16%.

The Normal Pension Age to access benefits unreduced is linked to your State Pension Age but benefits can be accessed early with an actuarial reduction.

The scheme pays out an annual pension and it is possible to access a lump sum of up to 30% of the annual pension by commuting £1 of annual pension in favour of £13.50 of lump sum.

Leaving the scheme early

If you leave the scheme early with less than 5 years membership you will be able to receive a refund of the contributions you have paid less 10% for tax. The employer contributions will not be paid to you.

Alternatives to receiving a refund of employee contributions less tax are to transfer the benefits into a suitable scheme capable of receiving the transfer value or to retain deferred benefits in the scheme which will be payable at State Pension Age.

Read more details on the benefits payable from the scheme.

Final salary scheme

Doctors who had been permanent employees in Jersey before 1 January 2016 are able to continue in membership of the Final Salary scheme.

Read more details on this scheme.


Get booklets and contact information relating the Government pension schemes in Jersey.