Pay scales for consultants in Wales

The basic pay scales for NHS consultants in Wales.

Location: Wales
Audience: Consultants
Updated: Tuesday 27 August 2024
Wallet and notes illustration

The tables below list the basic pay scales for consultants in Wales for 2023-2024.

Pay point/ threshold Basic salary (£) Years within pay point/threshold
1 100,000 1
2 105,000 1
3 110,000 1
4 115,000 1
5 123,000 5
6 130,000 7
7 138,000 7
8 146,000 Top

The below table shows consultants pay points on transfer to the reformed pay scale as at 1st January 2024. 

Current pay point Current pay value New pay point New pay value
1 £94,222 * 1 £100,000
2 £97,144 * 2 £105,000
3 £100,029 * 3 £110,000
4 £105,201 4 £115,000
5 £111,682 5 £123,000
6 £115,377 5 £123,000
6 £119,079 5 £123,000
6 £119,079 5 £123,000
CA1 Y1 £119,079 5 £123,000
CA1 Y2 £122,413 6 £130,000
CA1 Y3 £122,413 6 £130,000
CA2 Y1 £122,413 6 £130,000
CA2 Y2 £125,747 6 £130,000
CA2 Y3 £125,747 6 £130,000
CA3 Y1 £125,747 6 £130,000
CA3 Y2 £129,081 6 £130,000
CA3 Y3 £129,081 7 £138,000
CA4 Y1 £129,081 7 £138,000
CA4 Y2 £132,415 7 £138,000
CA4 Y3 £132,415 7 £138,000
CA5 Y1 £132,415 7 £138,000
CA5 Y2 £135,749 7 £138,000
CA5 Y3 £135,749 7 £138,000
CA6 Y1 £139,083 8 £146,000
CA6 Y2 £139,083 8 £146,000
CA6 Y3 £139,083 8 £146,000
CA7 Y1 £142,417 8 £146,000
CA7 Y2 £142,417 8 £146,000
CA7 Y3 £142,417 8 £146,000
CA8 Y1 £145,751 8 £146,000

* includes a non-consolidated recruitment and retention payment of £2,500 paid at points min and 1, and £500 paid for those at point 2.

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