Pay scales for consultants in Northern Ireland

The basic pay scales for NHS consultants in Northern Ireland.

Location: Northern Ireland
Audience: Consultants
Updated: Monday 22 July 2024
Wallet and notes illustration

There are two distinct employment contracts in Northern Ireland and so there are two disctinct payscales for the respective contracts: The pre-2004 consultant contract and the 2004 consultant contract.

The tables below list the basic pay scales for consultants in Northern Ireland.

View full pay circular


Consultants on the 2004 contract

Threshold Value £
1 88,799
2 91,581
3 94,362
4 97,141
5 (5 years as a consultant) 99,913
6 (10 years) 106,520
7 (15 years) 113,124
8 (final) 119,723

If you are on the pre-2004 contract, please refer to the pay circular.

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