BMA statement on Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza

by BMA media team

BMA statement.

Location: UK
Published: Friday 28 June 2024
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The BMA is devastated by the further killing of civilians including health workers and profoundly concerned about reports of doctors and health workers not being able to treat the sick and wounded at Al Shifa hospital in Gaza. The failure to protect both patients and health workers in this appalling conflict is an inexcusable tragedy. 

Having met with the MSF International President and heard first-hand the challenges that health workers are facing across the conflict, we once again stress that humanitarian needs must be met and much needed medical supplies quickly safely delivered.

We reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire across the conflict, the opening of a humanitarian corridor, the immediate release of all hostages, the resumption of essential goods and supplies to Gaza and the West Bank and a respect for International Humanitarian Law by all parties.