BMA Scotland - General Election comment

by BMA Scotland media team

Press release from BMA Scotland

Location: Scotland
Published: Friday 5 July 2024
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Following the UK General Election, Dr Iain Kennedy, Chair of BMA Scotland, said: “During campaigning for the General Election there has been much focus on health, rightly recognising that the NHS has to be one of the top priorities for the future.

“With the arrival of a new UK Government, we should of course remember that health is a devolved policy area but there are issues to be addressed which will have an impact in Scotland.

“This includes ensuring all UK health services have the funding they require to deliver high quality, patient-centred care and increasing funding for primary, secondary, community and public health services, which will result in Barnett formula increases for Scotland.

“We want to see the new UK Government prioritise prevention of ill-health, by increasing the public health grant in England to at least 2015/16 levels, with equivalent funding for the other UK nations, and implementing robust measures to address harms caused by smoking, climate change, obesity, alcohol use, drugs and gambling.

“The new UK Government also needs to protect doctors by taking action to end the substitution of doctors with medical associate professions (MAPs) and must only refer to doctors as ‘medical professionals' – something we hope will set a course to be followed across the UK. The UK Government must also revoke draconian anti-trade union laws, which, even though the Scottish Government have said they will not implement, remain a huge threat to the rights of doctors and other professions.

“The NHS is under pressure like never before and we call on both the UK and Scottish Government to take action now to ensure the health service has a sustainable future for generations to come.”


Notes to editors

The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.

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