Responding to the Scottish Government debate today in the Scottish Parliament on 'A Vision for health and social care in Scotland', the chair of BMA Scotland’s Scottish Council, Dr Iain Kennedy, said:
“Our National Health Service, our doctors and health and social care professionals and most importantly our patients, cannot wait another year for a list of solutions - in particular given how long we have already been waiting for the genuine national conversation that many have acknowledged is needed.
"The NHS is in a crisis which has been building for years with the result that there is no longer any difference between winter and summer pressures - indeed pressure has become the defining feature of the health service with a huge mismatch between supply and demand.
“We welcome today's debate and tone of building consensus set out by the Cabinet Secretary, and he is right to bring a focus onto a preventative agenda that will be vital in making our NHS sustainable.
"But we need urgent clarity on what a series of engagements means, and that it doesn't become a scaling back of the commitment made to a genuine, honest and open national conversation.
"Today must be the start of timely discussions on expectations, capacity, sustainability and deliverable reforms. BMA Scotland is disappointed about the lack of clarity from the Scottish Government in today's debate and what will feel like further delays for those facing the daily stresses and strains of working in health and social care.”
Notes to editors
The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.