Responding to Baroness Bennett's House of Lords debate on the upcoming Government review of physician associate roles, BMA council chair Professor Philip Banfield said:
"The Government has acknowledged patient safety is potentially under threat from the way physician associates and anaesthesia associates are employed in the NHS. It's therefore its responsibility to ensure NHS England puts in place safety measures while the situation undergoes urgent review. We would not keep prescribing a drug while there were outstanding questions about its safe use.
“It was good to see Baroness Bennett ask the Government what much-needed interim measures it will take to protect patients. It was disappointing the Government could not use the opportunity of this debate to assure the public they would be actioned.
"While the Leng review is undertaken we must see the immediate adoption of the BMA's safe scope of practice, a pause on recruitment and expansion of these roles, and a guaranteed stop to the substitution of doctors with PAs, plus clearly agreed supervision of those already in place. These are common-sense measures that we will be pursuing with NHS England and employers.
"The review itself must have the confidence of the medical profession. Too much has been hidden from public debate about the costs and safety of this role. We must not forget that it was designed to assist doctors, not replace their unique skills and expertise acquired through years of training and national assessments. Doctors’ voices have been inexplicably ignored, which is to the detriment of all, save those driving forward this unproven experiment.”
Notes to editors
The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.