BMA responds to comments made in Trafalgar Square at the weekend

Press release from the BMA.

Location: England
Published: Monday 26 July 2021
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Dr David Wrigley, BMA deputy chair “We have been deeply concerned to hear the comments made at Saturday’s rally in Trafalgar Square and we would ask the police to make a full investigation into the serious threats made towards nurses and doctors. Healthcare professions have given their all throughout the pandemic, showing great courage and determination and every step must be taken to protect our frontline workers against this appalling abuse.

“The global vaccination programme has without doubt saved millions of lives and healthcare workers in the UK have done their utmost to care for all the tens of thousands who have needed, and continue to need, hospital and community care as a result of this deadly virus. We are truly grateful to every healthcare professional for their dedicated service and stand side by side with them as they continue this hugely challenging work.”

Notes to editors

The BMA is a trade union and professional association representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.