Employment advice for private practitioners

For information on employing staff in private practice, BMA members can use the employment advisory service. Find out more about what this covers.

Location: UK
Audience: Consultants SAS doctors GPs Junior doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
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When working in private practice, whether operating alone or in a group, you are legally obliged to reduce the inherent risks relating to staff you may engage as self-employed, employees or workers.

For valuable information on this and other employment issues contact our employment advisory service, an exclusive service only for BMA members.

Our advice covers:

  • contracts of employment: drafting, changing, transferring in/out of your business
  • contracts for services: terms and conditions, essential clauses and correspondence
  • performance management
  • grievance and disciplinary issues
  • absence management
  • recruitment
  • appraising staff
  • discrimination issues
  • HR policies and practice
  • employment tribunals (subject to terms and conditions).

Our Employer Handbook also provides information on sample policies and procedures.