Must haves
- Make sure you have your ID badge.
- Make sure you have all the relevant access codes.
- Read any mandatory training modules as they emphasise on data protection, discrimination and other important modules like infection control (most valuable for getting to know your hospital’s prescribing policy).
- If you are expected to carry a bleep, make sure you know where to collect it from - this is usually switchboard.
- Find out how the bleep phone system works and the most common numbers you will need to know such as your registrar’s bleep number.
- Make sure you can recognise the crash bleep and how to respond to it.
Talk to people and ask questions
- Speak to others who are starting in your department who are at induction with you.
- Take a notebook or write down important staff members’ details, ward codes, bleep numbers in your phone.
- Get a copy of your rota and be clear about what hours you will be expected to do.
- Find out who your clinical supervisor and educational supervisor is and try to organise a formal meeting with them as soon as possible.
- Need someone to talk to? A BMA rep will be at your lunch, grab them for a chat about the benefits available to you.
Get your bearings
- Download a map and walk around the hospital to orientate yourself.
- This includes finding the hospital canteen, cash and food dispensers, on call rooms (if relevant) and doctors mess, if available.
- It may be a good idea to locate the radiology department if you know you will have to speak to them in your role (check with the current team).
- Visit your department to meet your team which will include the senior registrar and foundation doctors.
- Ask about your consultant’s timetable and what duties you will be expected to do and when.