Principles for dispensing doctors and community pharmacists

We signpost you to guides and principles to follow when dispensing medications.

Location: UK
Audience: Practice managers GPs
Updated: Thursday 6 October 2022
GP practice article illustration

Best practice in efficient supply of medicines

This joint statement on managing the supply chain of medicines is relevant to prescribers, dispensing doctors, pharmacists, manufacturers and wholesalers.

GOV.UK - best practice statement


Implementation of repeat dispensing

PSNC has published some guidance, including template letters for repeat dispensing.

PSNC - working with GPs


Community pharmacy advanced services

PSNC published a briefing to provide information for GP practices about advanced services provided by community pharmacies in England. This includes the medicine use reviews and the new medicines service.

PSNC - advanced services


ABPI code of practice

Pharmaceutical companies have to declare total amounts paid to health professionals for services such as speaker fees and participation in advisory boards.

ABPI - code of practice