Consultant ballot for industrial action in Wales

Online event

Want to know more about the campaign to restore consultant pay in Wales to 2008/09 levels? Join us at our free online event.

Ballot box article illustration
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Free for BMA members and non-members


In February 2023, the Welsh Government committed to the principle of full pay restoration to 2008 levels. However, during our recent pay negotiations the first and final offer made was to uplift our pay by just 5%. It is once again a sub-inflationary uplift for consultants in Wales and goes against the Welsh Government's commitment to full pay restoration. We cannot allow our pay to continue to erode. We rejected this offer and, with no other offer on the table, we consider we have no option but to ballot members for industrial action.


What you will learn

  • Why achieving full pay restoration is so important for us in Wales.
  • What happened in our recent negotiations, why this led us to ballot members over industrial action and why you should vote YES when the time comes.


What to expect from this event

  • Answers to questions we know many of you will have around the ballot and taking industrial action.
  • The opportunity to ask us any questions you have about the ballot or taking industrial action.

Organiser details

Georgina Tibbott