Conference for honorary secretaries of divisions and regional councils

Online event or Join in person at
BMA House Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JP

The 2024 conference of honorary secretaries will take place on Friday 22 March.

Contract and pen article illustration
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Free to BMA honorary secretaries of divisions and regional councils.

About this event

The conference will be chaired by Dr John Hughes, honorary secretary of the North West regional council.

The theme of this event will be 'Surviving change - preserving the legacy of the honorary secretary'. A detailed programme will be released in due course.



Debates on motions to be referred to the joint ARM agenda committee will take place in the afternoon. These will be grouped by subject within timed sections to create coherent debates. The deadline for motions to the conference is Friday 1 March 2024.

Submit a motion.



The booking form for the conference is now open. The form will close on Tuesday 12 March 2024. Please note that online registration for the conference is the only way to register, there are no paper nomination forms

Organiser details

BMA conferences