How to achieve better work life balance - recorded webinar

We spend a lot of our lives at work – but do you have the balance between work and home that’s right for you? In this recorded webinar, learn how to put together a clear plan of action to start making changes immediately.

Audience: All doctors
Format: Webinar
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What to expect from the webinar

  • The webinar is up to one hour.
  • It is taught by a subject matter expert.
  • No preparation is needed, just bring a pen and paper if you want to make notes.
  • This webinar has already been recorded, so it isn't interactive.
  • A certificate of attendance will not be given for watching the recording of the webinar.


What you will learn

We will be identifying your needs and looking for areas where your work impinges on your downtime. We will then be helping you set up some better habits that will ensure you get the relaxation and recuperation time that you need. By the end of the webinar, you will have:

  • identified areas of your work- life in need of change
  • appraised a range of solutions to your challenges
  • a fully formed action plan of where you wish to manage the pinch points and carve out more and/or better quality 'me-time'.


Who is this webinar for?

  • Free for BMA members.


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BMA learning and development