BMA guidance

COVID-19: toolkit for GPs and GP practices

Comprehensive guidance for GPs, partners and practice managers to manage employment and contractual issues and service provision during the coronavirus pandemic.

Location: England Wales Scotland
Audience: GPs Practice managers
Updated: Tuesday 14 June 2022
Topics: COVID 19, GP practices
COVID virus illustration

What you'll get from this guide

  • As a practice, how to manage your staff, prescriptions and funding.
  • As a staff member, your entitlements with annual leave, managing home visits and if you're indemnified.
  • A resource for how to manage your practice during the Coronavirus pandemic in regard to service provision, funding and QOF.


How to use this guide

This guide should be read in conjunction with guidance from NHS England and other organisations, RCGP and the GMC. It can also be read alongside our other COVID-19 guidance below.

COVID 19 01
The COVID-19 vaccination programme

Read our guidance on what the programme in England involves, what is expected of practices, funding and what you need to do.

Read the guidance