Applying to the foundation programme

Find out how to apply to the foundation programme and follow our guidance to be prepared for the application process.

Location: UK
Audience: Medical students
Updated: Thursday 17 October 2024
Career Progression Article Illustration
UKFP 2025 - Eligibility applications

Eligibility Applicant Guidance and documents for UKFP 2025 application process are expected to be published in early summer 2024.  Please keep checking the Foundation programme NHS website for timelines / deadlines.


UKFP 2025 application dates

The application window for the 2025 Foundation Programme will open 25 September 2024 and will close 09 October 2024 (12.00 midday BST).

Applicant guidance, forms and the application timeline have been published and are available on the 2-year foundation programme page.


UKFP 2025 - Key changes

Please see the UKFP website for a list of key changes to the application process for UKFP 2025. 


Specialised Foundation programme (SFP) 2025

Each of the four devolved nations are operating different application systems for the specialised foundation programme (SFP) this year. We have summarised each selection process below.   


In England, there will be two pathways for getting an SFP job. 

  • Pathway 1 will be run by your medical school. They will set their own selection process to allocate a set number of SFP jobs within your local foundation school. Your medical school will use their own application timeline and should communicate this with you, although it must conclude in November. If you are successful in getting an SFP job through pathway 1, you will be withdrawn from the foundation programme allocation. 

If you are unsuccessful at gaining an SFP job through pathway 1, or didn’t apply, you may apply via pathway 2. 

  • Pathway 2 jobs will be allocated through the standard foundation programme application system which uses Preference Informed Allocation. After you are allocated to a deanery, you will have the option to rank groups of jobs. This is the stage where you rank the geographical regions in a deanery. One of these groups will be an SFP group and if you want an SFP you should rank this group first. If allocated to the SFP group, you will rank all the SFPs within that deanery and these will be allocated under Preference Informed Allocation. 

Only students studying at English medical schools can apply through pathway 1, all students allocated to an English foundation school can apply through pathway 2.   


In Scotland, a new merit-based recruitment system will be brought in. After you are allocated to the Scotland foundation school, you will be able to apply for an SFP post during the group stage. The application will consist of white space questions which will be marked by academics to assess your interest and aptitude for an SFP. If you are successful, you will then rank all the SFP jobs in Scotland. SFP jobs will be allocated based on the academics’ mark for your application.  

Northern Ireland  

In Northern Ireland, a similar system to Scotland’s will be implemented. After you are allocated to the Northern Ireland foundation school, you will be able to apply for an SFP. This application will consist of white space questions marked by academics. You will still need to rank all non-SFP jobs as SFP applications will run concurrently with the programme preferencing stage – the stage where you rank specific jobs. If you are successful, you will then rank all the SFP jobs in Northern Ireland, SFP jobs will be allocated based on the academics’ mark for your application. 


There are no changes to SFP recruitment in Wales, where SFP was incorporated into the standard foundation programme application system using Preference Informed Allocation for 2024 foundation applications. 

Background to SFP Changes 

In February 2024, NHS England announced the Specialised Foundation Programme (SFP) was being fully incorporated into Preference Informed Allocation (PIA). This change was announced without any consultation with external stakeholders, including the BMA. After a considerable lobbying effort from the BMA and other stakeholders, NHS England agreed to a compromise and an interim solution for SFP selection for 2025 was implemented.  

The communication of these changes has been insufficient, and the changes announced with little notice. Formal guidance on SFP was only published for students and medical schools, on the day that applications opened. We have written to NHSE saying this is unacceptable and that students deserve better. 

The compromise solution for SFP does not go far enough. The BMA and other stakeholders have been clear that the SFP must not be allocated under preference informed allocation. We will continue to advocate and campaign for a return of SFP to merit based recruitment.