BMA divisions

All BMA members belong to a local division. Get involved with your BMA division to debate issues with peers in your area.

Location pin article illustration

​BMA divisions give you the opportunity to debate local issues with peers in your area.

All BMA members belong to a local division, these are usually run by an honorary secretary who will organise meetings for members throughout the year.

Divisions also send representatives and submit motions to the ARM (annual representative meeting) which becomes BMA policy if passed.

Most of our divisions have web pages to keep members up to date on what is happening in the area, including information on local meetings, news, and events.

Find your local division


Divisions consultation 2023

ARM 2023 marked the start of a consultation following motion 261 from ARM 2022 to create new local units that improve the BMA’s ability to work as a trade union and professional association at a local level. 

The proposals are to establish new local structures to bring the BMA closer to members in their workplace.

We need your views

Learn more about the proposals.


Division circulars

If you are actively involved with your division, don't miss out on the division circulars.

These circulars contain key information for honorary secretaries to keep divisions up-to-date on important BMA annual events, such as ARM.

They are emailed to honorary secretaries of BMA divisions and regional councils throughout the year. If you are an honorary secretary of a BMA division or regional council and have not received the latest circular then please contact: [email protected]


2024 conference of honorary secretaries of BMA divisions and regional councils

Contact us

We are happy to answer any questions or feedback you have about your division. Contact your division honorary secretary or email [email protected].