BMA Cymru Wales responds to the Welsh Government’s decision to impose the 5% pay uplift despite the union’s decision to reject the offer

by BMA Cymru Wales media team

Press release from BMA Cymru Wales

Location: Wales
Published: Friday 28 June 2024
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BMA Cymru Wales chair Dr Iona Collins said:

“Last week we had 100% backing from the committees representing SAS, consultants, and junior doctors to proceed with balloting for industrial action after the Welsh Government’s 5% pay offer was rejected.

“Unless a credible offer is on the table, we have nothing more to do but ballot our members on industrial action. All the while, more doctors decide to leave Wales and the NHS is left in an even more precarious position.”

Welsh Junior Doctor committee co-chairs, Dr Oba Babs-Osibodu and Dr Peter Fahey said:

“Our hard work and dedication has been undervalued for too long and the insulting 5% pay offer has left doctors feeling even more demoralised. In a recent survey of junior doctor members, 89% of respondents told us they would be prepared to take industrial action if doctor’s pay continued to be eroded in Wales.

“This is a fight for the future of the profession and for patients. We urge all doctors in Wales to mobilise, join our pay restoration campaign, and prepare for industrial action to fight for a better future.”

Welsh SAS committee chair Dr Ali Nazir said:

“We are burnt out, the decision to ballot for industrial action is upsetting for us because we want to serve our patients who are our top priority, but the Welsh Government has forced us to take this step by continuing to treat us with contempt.”

Welsh Consultants committee Chair Dr Stephen Kelly said:

“The latest offer from the Welsh Government is hugely concerning, we now have a situation where senior doctors are looking to retire early, reduce their hours or move out of the country.

“Our members repeatedly tell us about significant pressure caused by gaps in the workforce. Investing in staff retention should be the Welsh Government’s number one priority when looking to improve NHS services.”


Notes to editors


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