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Speaking up The BMA presidency is the latest in a string of high-profile roles for Martin McKee, a doctor described as an ‘inescapable presence’ in the arena of public health. He talks to Peter Blackburn about Brexit, the economy, and his upcoming presidential project which aims to inspire doctors The Doctor Friday 7 July 2023
Patients recording consultations Our guidance answers if patients can record doctors without permission or covertly, how to respond when a patient asks to record their appointment and what to do if a covert recording is posted online. BMA guidance
The cost of speaking up Describing the horrors of life under the Taliban has led to doctor Muhib Shinwari fearing for his safety and having to look elsewhere for work. Leaving the country may now be his only option The Doctor Wednesday 15 June 2022
Patients presenting with dental problems The number of patients seeking dental advice from their GP is increasing. This guidance informs GPs of their obligations to patients who request emergency dental treatment, or ask for an NHS prescription for drugs. BMA guidance Tuesday 8 September 2020
Communicating with patients Guidance on communicating with patients about access to GP-held patient records. Thursday 2 November 2023
Locking down and speaking up Doctors must be allowed to expose injustices at work without fear of recrimination during the COVID-19 crisis, write University of Birmingham Freedom to Speak Up guardian Julian Bion and head of inclusion Byron Batten News Wednesday 13 May 2020
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